
Monday, October 5, 2015

Pack Expo 2015

This week, I attended Pack Expo 2015 (  in Las Vegas.  From 1995 to today, PACK EXPO Las Vegas has steadily grown into the largest processing and packaging event of the year—an event known for showcasing the innovation of top-tier suppliers. It’s where corporate- and plant-level managers, engineers, production professionals, brand managers and package designers can connect with suppliers, talk shop and gain perspective on the industry to stay ahead of the game.

In previous posts, I’ve written about Pack Expo.  See this post covering 2013:

In this year’s show, I saw a few new products/solutions that seemed unique.  Let’s see if you find them of interest as well.

CAB Hermes C Printer/Applicator

First, I saw the first and only available GHS drum label printer/applicator; from CAB the Hermes C:

CAB Hermes C Applicator
Hermes C Applicator
To learn more about his applicator:

In the pictures above, the CAB Hermes C applicator is configured for side container application. Watch it print and apply here:  

(FYI: if the application seems slow, it’s a conveyor issue.  The printer runs much faster).

And the finished product on a pail:

 According to the Sales Manager at CAB, “the Hermes C with the two-tone X-Series printer is the only solution available to print and apply GHS labels.  We have customers using this applicator for paint cans and box application solutions.”  I believe this new solution is needed in the market.  If you need it, contact us to learn more.

In addition to the new CAB printer/applicator, Kanematsu showed their new 2” color label printer.
Swiftcolor 2" Printer
Swiftcolor 2" Label Printer
Prints beautiful for sure.  However, the list price is $4,000 and requires 4 different printheads.  To change a printhead, you need to dismantle the printer, drain the ink out of the printhead, change 1 or 4 printheads, and then reassemble.  Seems difficult to me.  QLS sells the same printer in the 2” version; and the similar 4” and 8” versions.  Here is the video showing how to replace the printhead in the 4” version:!-replace-printhead-flash-video.html

What do you think of the change process?  Let me know your feedback. 

In addition to new printers, I saw two affordable label applicators that should fit several of my customers.  Labelmate was showing their manual Bottlemate, a manual applicator for bottles.


This applicator is affordable and easy to use.  Great if you want your labels applied in the same place every time.

And Dispense-matic showed their Flex-Matic flat package applicator; for applying labels to sleeves and other packages thinner than .25”.


I saw it operate; but forgot to take a video.  Works great on sleeves.  Learn more here:

Lastly, I watched DPR run their Scorpio + Label Finisher:
Scorpio + Finisher
Scorpio+ Finisher

The Scorpio seems to be the least expensive finisher at under $24,000.  Plus Scorpio seems the simplest finisher as well; with 3 independent sections (lamination, die-cutting, and slitting).  With few moving parts, the finisher has few places where break-fix or maintenance is required.  This design should make the Scorpio finisher more reliable in operation.

Watch my video here:  

And learn about it here:

Overall, I found Pack Expo 2015 a success for Color Label Solutions, meeting a lot of new people and seeing a few new and interesting products/solutions.  Contact us if we can help you with any of the items featured here; or that you saw yourself at Pack Expo.

Guy Mikel

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