
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Labels In The Digital Marketplace

It seems we all understand the roll of the online world in purchase decisions these days.  But two articles I read recently underscored the roll packaging, and even more specifically QR codes on labels, play or could play in the purchase decisions made by consumers and businesses. 

But have you adapted your packaging and labels to reflect these changes in buying habits?  I bet most companies have not.

In the first article, "Tweet, Pin, Post, Text and Buy: The Role of Product Packaging in the Digital Marketplace”,  the author opines that packaging plays an even bigger role as buyers will respond on social media if the package does not meet the expectations set by the “JPEG” images of the product online.  Although potentially negative, these interactions with your customers can lead to new opportunities:

* Reorders.  For example, consumables.  If you sell consumable items, you can now make it easy to reorder using any smartphone.
* Recommendations for accessory products.  Based on the order, you can now recommend accessory items making it easy to increase sales with current customers.
* Company designed Facebook, Linked In, Twitter posts or “Likes”.  By designing a means to recommend products or telling friends what your customer purchased, you can increase the awareness online of your brands.
Easy to find specific technical support.  Linking the label to YouTube video’s on how to setup and configure products will improve customer satisfaction and decrease support calls.
Use directions or warning labels.  If your product requires specific warnings, you can  provide this information in video form, making it easier for your customer to understand.
Emergency handling instructions.  You can now provide detailed information to first responders in case of accidents.

If you are already adding variable data to your labels, it would seem to be relatively easy to add this type of information to your labels by the use of QR codes.  With these additions, you’ll change labels from cost to revenue centers; and the focal point of connecting the online world to the physical world.

If you use QR codes, you might find the second article valuable: “Proper and Improper Use of QR Codes: 10 Great Examples of Each”.

In this article, the authors point to examples that companies like yours can use.  Some of the examples that would work on labels are as follows:

Ordering on the spot
Teasing new products/offerings. 

Again, both of these technics would be relatively easy to do using QR codes; if you have the desire and see the opportunities that your labels can create in the online world.

I hope you find these articles of interest; and stimulate ways you can use QR codes on your labels to increase your revenues and customer satisfaction.  When you’re ready to turn your labels into revenue generators, contact us to discuss.

Guy Mikel

PS:  Weber Marking is doing an excellent job using PinInterest to create awareness of their capabilities.  They post pictures of the labels that print!  It’s a great gallery of label art.  

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