
Monday, July 1, 2013

Cover Up!

Stafford Press ( has been serving retailers since 1990, manufacturing custom labels and tags, for use with hundreds of different applications. Over the years, they have earned an excellent reputation as one of the top suppliers on the West Coast.

Stafford Press has a technical support team that can solve many types of problems with face stocks, adhesives or difficult applications. They have a complete design team to assist in product development from concept to the final production.

Drum Label

Recently, I had a customer who needed to cover up an existing label with a print on-demand color label.  They tried to remove the label; but adhesive and label material remained.  Using traditional paper labels, the label underneath showed through, making the appearance poor.

To find a solution, I contacted Dave Long of Stafford Press.  You may remember my earlier post covering Stafford Press’s durable poly tags: 

For this prospect, Dave prepared an opaque label.  According to Dave, “for this opportunity, we applied an opaque adhesive to inkjet coated facestock.  In this case, it was a matte paper."

Overall, the label printed great:



With the opaque label available, I went out to the prospect to print labels using first the TM-C3400.  The label completely covered the existing label; you could not see through the opaque label at all.  I then printed a label using Epson’s GP-C831 printer to show the look of a larger label.  It seems exactly what the customer wanted.

According to Dave, “we also provide inkjet coated labels with other adhesives as well.  We sell standard movable labels for inkjet coated paper and poly labels.  These labels work well for work-in-process (WIP) tracking or warehousing.  In addition, we sell a “Postit” or a microsphere (encapsulated) adhesive with inkjet facestocks for applications such as Identification.  Customers want to make sure no adhesive remains on clothing after using a visitor badge.”

At this stage, we know the market for print on-demand color is not large.  But media providers like Stafford Press are providing new label components to help build a variety of solutions for you and your customers.  If you or your customers need opaque, movable or other types of labels for your solution, contact me to discuss.

Guy Mikel

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