
Sunday, August 15, 2021

Support Tradeshow (Badges)

Last week, I attended and we exhibited at our first tradeshow in 1 and ½ years; WestPack.

CLS booth
CLS booth at the end of the show

And I learned that WestPack was the first tradeshow at the Anaheim Convention Center since the Covid-19 shutdown in March of 2020.  Having exhibited at this show for years, it was great to get back to some sort of normal.  And I attended all 3 days of the show seemingly without catching Covid-19.

As some of you know, we’ve had tradeshow providers as customers for years.  In 2017, I wrote about tradeshows first here.

And then again about the Consumer Electronic Show here.

After this shutdown, I find it amazing that these companies are still in business at all.  After zero revenue for 1.5 years, I’m surprised and happy these companies are still in business.  Given the shutdown’s impact on these companies, I urge you to support this market by attending any and all tradeshows you can.  For example, we’re exhibiting at White Label Expo in Las Vegas September 1st and 2nd, 2021.

And we’re exhibiting at MJBIZCON October 20-22 in Las Vegas for those customers in the cannabis market.

Google Pay Tradeshow Certificate
Google Pay Tradeshow Certificate

Prior to the event, I learned something that was very troublesome; the organizers decided to make the event “contactless” which meant NO BADGES.  This decision bother me on three levels. First as an exhibitor, we spent a lot of money to meet people and gather prospects for our products and services.  With no name badges, I was concerned this decision would inhibit people from sharing their name and contact information; thus reducing the return from exhibiting at the show.

Second, as a badge/printer provider, I hated to see this business/market disappear.  I believe badges add value to exhibitors as well as attendees.  Plus badges offer means to add even more value through color-coding, imaging and messaging.

Third, as a person who believes in science, I understood that Covid is spread primarily by airborne particles and spray droplets that are inhaled or swallowed; and not by surface contact.  In fact, I don't understand how badges would increase contact at all.

When I learned of this decision, I immediately contacted our event sales person to complain.  In addition to the idea of contactless, the show organizer tried to explain the contactless decision as sustainable.  As we sell paper badges made with sustainable forest materials, I found this rationalization absurd. 

Once the event started, I noticed several affects of not only the decision to go contactless, but also of people complaining about no badges.  At the entrance of the tradeshow floor, many people had issues opening up their Apple or Google Pay to get the certificate.

Attendees Attempting to Open Entrance Certificate
Attendees Attempting to Open Entrance Certificate

In my case, the certificate did not show up at all in Google Pay.  I had to download the certificate a second time; and take a picture of my phone screen.  And during the show, I met several people who just printed the certificate.

Exhibitor Wristband
Exhibitor Wristband

Given the difficulty to open the certificate, the show organizers offered wristbands to prevent the requirement to open your phone each time you entered the show floor.  However, the wristband supply was gone immediately.

Name Badge Station
Name Badge Station

In addition, it seems my and other exhibitor complaints about no badges was “heard” by the show organizers.  They implemented a Name Tag Kiosk inside of the show floor to print badges; but without any way to scan.

Name Badge W/O Lead Info
Name Badge W/O Lead Info

In addition, they decided to print badges for attendees as well; still without any QR codes.

On-Demand Color Badge Printers
On-Demand Color Badge Printers

By the second day, new attendee badges had a QR code on them.  I appreciated the fact that the show organizers responded to the concerns of the exhibitors and probably even to the attendees.

After completing this first tradeshow since the start of the pandemic, I’d appreciate your support for tradeshows and for the industry as a whole.  The companies who operate in this market have been crushed; but have survived. And I was able to exhibit and attend this show without getting sick. Please support this market by attending tradeshows; but please make sure everyone has a badge!

Guy Mikel