
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hardware Breaks-Sometimes.....

Hardware Breaks--Sometimes.  With the Epson TM-C3400 SecurColor Label printer, you can expect to print lots of labels with little to no problems.  In fact, I know of one manufacturer who printed more than 400,000 labels on one printer during their first month of operation.

Today, however, I spoke to one manufacturing customer who recently started having problems with one of their printers, after printing for several months approximately 100,000 of labels (and using 40 cartridges) per month.  It seems one of the sensors required cleaning; more of a cleaning than what they could do themselves.

Since hardware does require service sometimes, Epson has two service programs that you should consider selling.  First, Epson sells an extended warranty program.  With this service offering, your customers get warranty coverage for an additional set of years.  Here is a summary of the extended warranty.

Second, Epson has the Spare-in-the-Air Service (SITA) program.  With this service offering, your customers get a printer shipped to them next day if they have a service issue.  Here is the summary of the SITA program.

For value added resellers and independent software vendors like you, you can sell this valuable service, increasing the margins on the on-demand color label solutions you offer.  Here are the prices of these offerings:

If the manufacturing customer I spoke to today had purchased the SITA service offering, he would have received a replacement printer tomorrow; making him a very happy and satisfied customer.  Be sure to add these service offerings to your quotes!

And finally, think about the profitability of adding customers like this small manufacturer who consumes 100,000 labels and 40 ink cartridges a month.  Tens of thousands of companies with lots of SKU's like this manufacturer exist; we just have to find, tell and sell them on the Epson TM-C3400 SecurColor.  Let me know how I can help.

Guy Mikel

Friday, August 19, 2011

Using Color to Improve Job Routing in Manufacturing

Perrywinkle’s Fine Jewelry ( designs and manufactures jewelry that is specifically made to fulfill the individual aspirations and criteria of each of their customers.  Each jewelry piece, handcrafted in their manufacturing facility, is a unique creation that reflects their uncompromising commitment to quality, using the finest gemstones and precious -metals.

To improve the efficiency of the manufacturing facility, Perrywinkle’s developed a job routing and tracking solution to replace their existing paper-based system.  Given the complexity of their unique, made-to-order manufacturing process, it was a constant challenge to maintain maximum visibility of each job as it passed through the various stages of production, creating numerous delays and backlogs.  For Perrywinkle’s, real time job tracking is critical as any single job may require up to 10 or more routings to multiple work stations with the possibility of up to 3 simultaneous routings for a single job at any given time.(i.e. Design-for computer-aided design, Purchasing-for purchasing of parts; and Casting-for wax models).

David Jenkins, Systems Developer, built the solution using a database and the TM-C3400 SecurColor printer.  This solution enables Perrywinkle’s to not only track jobs with up-to-date printed information, but also route jobs to multiple work stations based on color coding.  The durability and width of the paper as well as text and color output quality was a major factor in choosing this particular unit over less expensive thermal receipt/label printers.


“We are very happy with the printer and new solution.  I installed and started using the TM-C3400 printer in about 1 hour.  The EpsonNet Config Utility was especially helpful for setting up our network-based solution.  The printer now sits on the production scheduler’s desk, helping us improve our production as well as reduce our administration costs.”

For Value-Added Resellers like you, the TM-C3400 offers you a new, key component of a color-based job routing solution for made-to-order manufactures.   Talk to these type of companies to see how this solution may fit their operation.  For more information, contact me at or David Jenkins at

Guy Mikel

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Improve Picking; and Save!

Today, I spoke to a new user, Jim, of the TM-C3400 SecurColor printer, who was very satisfied with the quality of the labels printed by this device.  Jim works for an international company who provides expensive laboratory equipment to research-based companies, including on-going maintenance and parts.

After our initial discussion, I asked Jim the question, "how do you plan to use the SecurColor printer?"

According to Jim, this company sends parts out to customers to meet service technicians when they complete repairs and maintence.  If incorrect, the cost to resend the correct parts and have the service technician return costs a significant amount of money.  Plus their valuable customer may get frustrated, or even need to stop their research, which could become a very big problem for the both of them. 

Although sending out incorrect parts happens infrequently, the laboratory company decided to add images of their parts to the labels.  With images, the warehouse employee can see the correct part to pick, and not just a barcode and part number.  By printing the image on the label, they hope to reduce or eliminate the errors that may occur during the picking process.

Overall, this color, on-demand labeling solution using the TM-C3400 SecurColor printer:

*  Reduces overall costs
*  Saves time in the warehouse and at customers
*  Improves the image of the company by using higher quality, colorful labels
* Improves profitability of the business

Although potentially more expensive than a standard thermal transfer on a per-label basis, this type of solution shows the real value on-demand color labels.  Contact me to see how we can help your customers with this picking solution.

Guy Mikel

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Color, On-Demand Visitor Badges

This week, I met with the Vice President of Security for a major financial institution to discuss on-demand, color, visitor badges.  After this meeting, I decided that many of you may find our discussion of interest.

After the introductions, I asked the Vice President a basic question;

Why was this firm looking to change their existing visitor tracking solution?

The Vice President stated (I'm paraphrasing), "it had been decided to add color and to improve the look of our visitor badges".

Having just recieved a vistor badge, I could tell exactly why "management" of this firm wanted a different solution; the badges looked terrible!

First, the picture on the badge was unrecognizable.  Their "cheap" label printer produced a very bad picture quality from a non-so-high resolution camera.

Second, the black only logo on the label did not look at all like the corporate version of this important asset of the company.  It look completely washed out.

Third, and maybe most importantly, the label looked "cheap".  The one document every visitor to the company receives looked "cheap".  Does this sound like the image a highly-respected financial institution wants to project?  That's why "management" wanted a different visitor tracking solution.

By using a TM-C3400 color label printer as a part of their visitor tracking solution, this firm will be able to produce beautiful visitor badges, that include pictures and graphics such as a logo.  From my perspective, companies like this financial institution will receive the following benefits by adding color, on-demand visitor badges:

1.  High quality images in color and on demand projects a positive image of the company to visitors.
2.  Easy to use, industrial designed printer with the built in cutter makes the move to the Epson TM-C3400 positive for security personnel.
3. Labels, tags and wristbands; all can be printed using the same device.  This flexibility gives Security Operations more options from their visitor tracking application.

In addition to the benefits to your end user customers, color on-demand visitor badges provide channel partners like you some valuable benefits also:

A.  On-Going Consumables:  Once installed, the on-going and profitable consumable business can become almost an annuity for you.
B.  Solution Sale:  Not only requiring a new printer, end user customers may require new cameras and software; to total solution sale for you.
C.  Professional, Supportive Image:  Helping your customers look more professional and projecting a more positive image will reflect the same qualities back on you also.

Based on this positive call this week, I am convinced many companies in a variety of industries would like to have a more professional and easy to use visitor tracking solution using the TM-C3400 SecurColor printer.  Given this opportunity, ask your customers the following questions:

*  What do you think of your current visitor tracking solution?
*  Would you like to improve the look of your visitor badges?
*  If I could show you a way to produce more professional-looking visitor badges, would you be interested?

With these questions, you would be offering your customers a valuable new solution; and selling a profitable, new solution also. Best to you all.

Guy Mikel